Another DAM Blog

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Webinar: The State of ‘DAM User Adoption’ Today

User Adoption is typically one of the key factors that dictate whether or not a Digital Asset Management initiative is successful. While there are many resources that cover the features and capabilities of #DAM technology, practical information about the adoption subject is much harder to find. This webinar panel discussion aims to address that imbalance. 
 Sponsored by Insight Exchange Network and the DAM Guru Program, join and interact with Lisa Grimm, Ian Matzen, Henrik de Gyor, and Ralph Windsor as we discuss one of the most complex and demanding problems faced by DAM users today. This webinar will be moderated by Frank DeCarlo.

Register for The State of ‘DAM User Adoption’ Today – LIVE Online Webinar:

When: Thursday, October 17, 2019 from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Eastern

Cost: Free

Attend the Insight Exchange Network’s DAM Practitioners Summit on January 30-31, 2020 in New York City. You can find more details here. Use the discount code M131ADC for a 15% discount on registration (applicable to the early bird pricing rates too).

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