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Blog about Digital Asset Management

How can I tie performance to DAM use?

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Recently, a reader explained to me how they have half of their DAM users happily using the DAM, but asked how could they get the other half to use the DAM as well?

In  previous posts, I discussed how a DAM solution can report on just about every aspect of the its use and users and how to get more user adoption.

Let us assume we already have training with written documentation available for all users, followed by continued support by a DAM administrator and there is proven value for everyone to use the DAM solution. Mindsets are not easily changed nor are they quickly overcome unless you have reinforcement by peers to show there is a better, efficient and effective way of doing things within their organization when it comes to digital asset management. And why.

In these economic times, having more ways to measure performance in an objective way (rather than subjectively) can go beyond simply looking if a project was done:

  • On time (aka delivered on time)
  • On budget (aka completed within budget constraints)
  • On spec  (aka met all specifications)

It helps if projects are effectively planned and executed as well as efficiently done too. If a project does not meet this criteria, ask why and what can be done about it. Project managers should be proficient in doing this with any project and any team. It helps to  make sure everyone in a team is held accountable for their part of the plan (rather than have an individual who would rather be an island).

  • Feedback should be listened to
  • Trust should be synonymous

Now for another way to measure performance, assuming you have a DAM with searchable, valued assets and can produce reports from the DAM.

Use the reports to measure:

  1. Start with who is using the DAM and who is not? (once you know this, ask them why or why not. You may get useful feedback and find out who is a team player who wants to share rather than hide). Whether or not they are using the tools they are supplied with can be an objective measure of performance as long as they can find what they need.
  2. Who uses the DAM to find the most assets? (are they being recognized?)
  3. Who uploads/imports the most assets? (are they too being recognized?)
  4. Who downloads/exports the most assets for a given project? (yes, recognize them too. They are saving the organization money by reusing what your organization already has on hand)
  5. What assets are being used in a project? what percentage of the assets are reuses versus newly acquired/created assets?
  6. What are the most popular set of assets? What assets have the most reuse?

Let us know when you are ready for some vendor neutral consulting on Digital Asset Management.

Author: Henrik de Gyor

Consultant. Podcaster. Writer.

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